Tuesday, May 6, 2014

RT Dubs!

We have finally begun to execute the preliminary parts of our first ever round the world trip. As this is the first post of the blog, I suppose it would be appropriate to provide a back story to how we got here. CS and I have always loved to travel. In the first month of dating we even contemplated a short weekend trip to Chicago. Looking back now that was probably a little ambitious lol, while CS did end up going solo opted to stay behind.

Our travels have mainly consisted of short trips to the US, including Vegas, San Fran, Orlando, Philly, Boston and NYC. We did do a big trip to Europe in January 2013 which was great but just not quite enough for our wanderlust selves. On the last few days of our Europe trip we were already planning the next destination. We had contemplated the idea of moving to another city (like London) where traveling would be a little bit more affordable and convenient. But then came to the idea of taking time off to just travel. After doing some research we stumbled across this "Round the World" idea and the rest was history! 

That brings us to today where we are 7 weeks away from our departure date. First stop - Buenos Aires Argentina. We will be spending two months in South America, making our way from Argentina to Bolivia to check out the Uyuni Salt Flats, then to Peru where we will hike the Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu, and from there head over to Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena in Colombia. Its all just the beginning stages and although I am excited, a tad nervous  too! 

Look out for the next post!

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